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Price: ₹35,000.00 (Design Proposal Charges)
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Children Hospitals need high-performing, flexible environments that can enable excellent medical care, patient engagement, integrate technology, comfort all ages and encourage interaction to the inspiring young patients' confidence, playfulness, and hope.
These nine ideas can help create intentionally designed experiences across the continuum of paediatric care.
1. Create all-levels engagement
Families and patients benefit from positive distractions. Provide patients and visitors with age-appropriate diversion activities like multi-touch walls, playrooms, and high-tech gathering spaces. Create a universal architectural language. Form, materials, colour, and texture can help patients and families feel at home.
HDA Hospital Architects Design and builds cost-effective children hospitals in India. They aim to create a familiar environment that supports children's mental and physical health. This theme is reflected in all areas of the expansion, from patient footwalls to a play area, aquarium, and sea animal photos.
2. Family-focused
Families must be caregivers. Family rooms, laundry facilities, kitchens, and other spaces allow families to continue a child's familiar routines.
Provide technology so families can connect with work, home, school, and classroom spaces so children can continue school during treatment. For kids who prefer to sleep with their parents, offer large beds. Each clinic is a module with office space for a manager, workspace for doctors and nurses, and areas for clean and soiled supplies and storage.
3. Form Neighbourhoods
Paediatric inpatient units organised around neighbourhoods with their own identity and emotionally accessible parameters help break down the unit's scale, reducing stress in patients, families, and caregivers as they focus on "living" in a more appropriately sized space.
4. Add flexible space
Families will appreciate interactive play areas for siblings and flexible exam rooms. Design acuity-adaptable patient rooms to avoid moving patients and disrupting families. Module clinics can be expanded as new healthcare technologies and advancements arrive.
5. Consider Efficient, Safe, and Secure
Improve process design. Minimize risk and streamline processes to boost efficiency, productivity, and user experience.
Using evidence-based design can help create a healing environment that informs best practises. If possible, design procedure rooms and patient care rooms to be same handed to reduce medical errors. Identify multiple scenarios to ensure safety and security is woven into the design from the start, including well-thought-out and separated on-stage and off-stage circulation paths and infection prevention and control measures. Data-driven design and parametric modelling ensure maximum department efficiency and minimise travel distances.
6. Create Healing Spaces
Design for people. Consider day lighting, noise control, air quality, privacy, social support, and positive distractions when designing a healing environment. If possible, separate treatment areas from patient rooms to ensure safety. Provide low-stimulation healing environments for autistic patients and others with special needs.
Heal outside. Playful, healing, calming, and rejuvenating outdoor therapy spaces are needed for kids. Healing gardens and activity spaces create opportunities to reduce stress among children and families
7. Aid carers
Acknowledge the emotional investment caregivers make every day and provide respite and recharge areas with natural light and circadian rhythms. Design the unit to give nurses more time at the bedside, better visibility, and easy medication and supply access. Create highly collaborative environments to boost knowledge transfer between clinicians, patients, and, if applicable, scientists.
Connect to social networks
Use technology to bring schools and social networks into the room, allowing participation and fostering social identity.
In this new setting, footwalls are crucial. Consider a screen that can switch from app development to a patient dashboard. It won't be virtual, though. These networks will need a physical presence as the hospital becomes a community centre.
Multidisciplinary space is needed for programmes that involve community groups, religious leaders, educators, police, and safety groups.
Each design endeavour is informed by evidence-based design principles, post-occupancy evaluations, and research on the efficacy of the designs at every scale. This ensures that the design intellect grows and evolves in tandem with the field. Health organisations that create space and opportunities for these activities will have more success with their population health initiatives and integrate health into "normal" life for their patients and families.
HDA Hospital Architects are dedicated towards continues growth, in the pursuit of designing facilities that help along the patients healing journey
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